About Me

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I'm an extremely blessed woman! I have a wonderful husband, four amazing kids, an awesome Mom and Mom-in-law, Dad-in law, fantastic brothers and sisters and brother and sister in-law, nieces and nephews,a great job and lots of fun friends.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We Didn't pass court...now what? : (

We found out today that unfortunately, we did not pass court in Ethiopia on Monday. I still don't know why...our agency is trying to find out, but I suspect that maybe H's birthfather could not make it the 8 hours to Addis Ababa for our appointment. We have been rescheduled for December 10th...a LONG way off for me. I'm so heartbroken, but I know that God is in control and that He has the plan...not me! Please pray that all will work out...we obviously won't have her home for the holidays, but we will have many more holidays to spend with her, God willing.


JonesEthiopia said...

I'm so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family.

Michelle Riggs said...

I am so sorry. Our Samrawit spent Christmas at HH while we were waiting for her to come home. I remember how hard that was.

Praying for a miracle for your family.

The B Family said...

Peaying for your family!

Eastiopians said...

You can create the biggest holiday of all when she comes home! I am so heart-broken for you and Tom, and so is Jon. We have been thinking of you guys. We will love on Hanna and try to sneak you some video footage to get you through this wait!


Polly said...

I'm so sorry to hear the news of the delay. We are praying that God will comfort your family during this unexpected wait. Ya'll are such an inspirational family. You unknowingly continue to inspire through your trials and gracious submission to God. God bless ya'll.
Polly and Jeff