About Me

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I'm an extremely blessed woman! I have a wonderful husband, four amazing kids, an awesome Mom and Mom-in-law, Dad-in law, fantastic brothers and sisters and brother and sister in-law, nieces and nephews,a great job and lots of fun friends.

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Official! We are number...

Our dossier is done and accepted, now the looooong wait begins. I'm not known for my patience, but one thing that adoption has reinforced for me is that it really is all in God's hands and it is in His perfect timing that all things happen. So, in the meantime, we will focus on and enjoy the time we have just as our family is formed now. I can't wait to have another little girl snuggling up to us in the morning, but I trust God that His plan is already in place and my job is to pray and wait.


Eastiopians said...

Hooray!!!! I was thinking about you this morning and about to fb you to see how things were going! That is a low number too! Congrats!

Troy said...


You are officially on 'The List' now. :)

The B Family said...

YAY! We're only 2 spots ahead of you. Looking forward to traveling down the list with your family.