About Me

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I'm an extremely blessed woman! I have a wonderful husband, four amazing kids, an awesome Mom and Mom-in-law, Dad-in law, fantastic brothers and sisters and brother and sister in-law, nieces and nephews,a great job and lots of fun friends.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter fun!!!

Ok, I'm a little late getting these up, and it'll probably be a few more days until I get actual Easter pictures up, but I wanted to share some of our egg-dying fun. Aunt Kimmie and Geoff came up with four dozen eggs and all kinds of fun stuff to decorate with and the kids had a blast! I think my floor and the kids had more dye on them than the eggs, but we all had a wonderful time. Thanks Aunt Kimmie and Geoff and Grandma!


Kristi J said...

Congrats on jumping back in!! I love having four kids, but now we almost have five..so the fun continues...cute pics..your fam is adorable, kristi
ps.I don't know if you remember me or not, but I believe I emailed you over a year ago for a reference for AGCI because you were from TN too...Now you're re-starting and we're ending this show :)

JonesEthiopia said...

Left a message on the listserv for ya, but you can just get to my blog from here!
(Your family is beautiful, by the way!!)