About Me

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I'm an extremely blessed woman! I have a wonderful husband, four amazing kids, an awesome Mom and Mom-in-law, Dad-in law, fantastic brothers and sisters and brother and sister in-law, nieces and nephews,a great job and lots of fun friends.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Can I have a little cheese with my whine?

So, I have to admit that I have been a bit depressed, anxious and in a bit of a funk for the last couple of weeks. While I am THRILLED for all of the families passing court, travelling and bringing home their children, I must admit that selfishly, it hurts too. I know that anyone who's ever been there knows what I mean. This is our fourth adoption and we've been on both ends of this rope...getting lucky through the process, while others wait...having to redo documents while others breezed through the process...been there, done that. It never gets any easier, but it really is soooooooo worth it!
Now, our second court date is this Thursday, the 10th in Ethiopia...well, actually Wednesday night as we sleep; and I am just so nervous. I do trust God and His timing, but I am truly scared that one stupid little piece of paperwork will keep us from passing and then we'll have to wait another month for our next courtdate to find that that one stupid piece of paperwork is still not there. I'm not normally one to mire myself down in negative thoughts, I just MISS MY GIRL and I want to be with her. Seeing the videos my friends John and Theresa took of her were such a blessing, but it definitely makes it that much harder to wait to hold her and look into her sweet face.
I am hopeful that we will pass this week...and bracing myself to not be totally devastated if we don't. I would appreciate any prayers on our behalf...especially for my poor husband, who has to deal with me. Let's hope second time's the charm!


the story of a family said...

I am on this wild ride with you and completely relate with your feelings. I am praying we both get great news this week.

demp5 said...

Praying and praying!

Dawn said...

Praying...the lady at Dillon (Our agency) said that #2 is a pretty good number. She said that most of families don't make it trough the first time, so hold your head up, we will make it through this time!!! Still praying,

More Dorrs said...

Just stumbled on your blog...we also got our referral on Aug 24 and have our second court date on December 11.

Hoping you hear some good news this week!


The B Family said...

Praying for you--for peace during this delay and that everything will be in order for a successful court date on Thursday.
I know this delay is hard--especially over the holidays!
I'd be more than happy to check in on and give a little love to your sweetie pie while we're at Hannah's Hope at the end of the month.